Welcome Back

Welcome Back! The summer heat is still here, our mind is still somewhere in the Caribbean ocean and school is already starting. Soon before you know it, holidays are around the corner!

I had fun and purpose filled summer.  I hope you all had very memorable summer vacation with your family and friends. I am most excited for those hard-working students- Chenchung, Lia and Ialy. They participated and had awesome results in their first SYMF competition. CONGRATULATIONS!! I hope many of you can join us next year.

I also launched our studio website and Facebook. The social media is for you and your friends who are interested on join our studio family. I am looking forward to expanding our studio family so we can have more fun together. The website and Facebook are also for you to share your music journey with our studio friends. I encourage all of you to always come prepared to perform your favorite piece of the week during your lesson. If you are ready to perform, and I thumbs up on your piece, I will be post your video on the Facebook page!

In order for you to received update on Facebook post please follow my page- (when you are on the Facebook page, tap on the “…” next to Phone symbol.


All the events including competitions/festivals and CM are post under event in our website.

When you have time, please grab a cup of coffee or tea and browse through our website and Facebook.  There is a direct link to the Facebook at the bottom of our website page.


Welcome Corner:

We have a new friend join our studio. Rita Yu is four years old. She just started her piano lesson on August 16, 2019. She is already making progress! I am looking forward for her performance in our March Studio Recital.

Looking ahead:

Registration for CM is coming in October, please start thinking…


Studio Contests:

Ms. Margaret noticed that three of our young friends are playing the same piece which is “Minute in G by Anna Magdalena Bach”. Ms. Margaret will post their performance on the Facebook and you will be the judge to tell me who your favorite pianist is. The winner will receive a surprise from Ms. Margaret.

Please visit our studio website:

